2018 the year of plastic awareness but…

Well 2018 has probably been the year when the issue of plastics and plastics in the oceans in particular has taken off.  So surely it’s been a good year for those trying to avoid plastic packaging with manufacturers clamouring to meet this new world order?

Sadly no.

It’s been a year of manufacturers trying to prove how good they actually are without generally doing much about the problem.  A memorable moment was in a disposable coffee cup maker (of conventional plastic lined cups) saying over and over again how the cups were ‘recyclable’.  OK, yes it’s true they are but the reality is they are hard to recycle and it’s only a tiny percentage that actually are.  It’s time we stopped hiding behind the recyclable concept and embrace the use of alternative less damaging products.  As we leave 2018 the hope has to be that at last, at long last, manufacturers will stop talking and actually do something positive in 2019 to reduce waste and then ensure recycling is not just possible but a reality.  The government seem to be getting this idea, come on corporate world join in!

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